Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Black Friday

It's almost black Friday! Everyone wants good deals now that only comes once a year. However, giant retailers like Target, Sears, and Walmart have gone way too far to satisfy their costumers. Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, is when all the gangbusters deals will begin on Friday. Though this year, it will start on Thursday. Last year, retailers stayed true to the day's title and waited until midnight on Friday to open their doors. Although, there was still uneasiness because the workers still had to cut short their Thanksgiving and arrive to work. However, this year, employees won't be able to spend their thanksgiving dinner with their families. Instead, they will need to prepare for the Thursday evening for the Black Friday. Some people have had a discussion about not opening the stores on Thursday, but on Friday like the tradition has always been. For example, this year, Target will be opening their store at 9:00 p.m on Thursday night which is Thanksgiving. There is a petition calling on retailers to allow families to spend Thanksgiving together and stick to opening doors on Black Friday. On the other hand, the retailers will be able to make more profit. As a result, the retailers will also be able to earn extra cash in their pockets.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Welcome To The City Of Millbrae!

Art & Wine Festival

Milbrae Downtown
Millbrae's a great place to be all year round. In Millbrae, we have a wide selection of restaurants and shops. Some of our best restaurants include the Millbrae Pancake House, Shanghai Dumpling, Big Mouth Burgers, Nubi Yogurt, Red Brick, Tortilla's Mexican Grill, and Zen Peninsula. Some of the most popular shops in Millbrae are Office Depot, Walgreen, Walgreens, Kohl's, Trader Joe's, and Dean's Market. If you want to go to more shops, you can go to a nearby mall called Tanforan in San Bruno about 4 miles from Millbrae. Millbrae library is a popular place for residents to go. The Millbrae library provides a computer lab, a great selection of books, and has free wireless internet. In addition, there is a Millbrae museum next to the Millbrae library. Every year in Millbrae, there is an Art and Wine Festival. The Art and Wine Festival is Bay Area's biggest Labor Day weekend event. There is stellar live music, fine art, festive food, home and garden exhibits, kid's play land, and more.  Kid's all ages can go to the kid's play land! There is 250 professional artists and craft makers show original work in wood, leather, ceramics, metal, textiles, graphics, glass, mixed media, sculpture, jewelry, photography, watercolor and oil painting, and clothing. There is music such as a wide-ranging mix of 70’s disco, hip-hop, 80’s pop classics, 90’s party music, R&B, soul, rock and roll, swing, and jazz. The Art and Wine festival is the best place to have fun and enjoy!Come to the city of Millbrae where you are always welcomed!


Friday, November 16, 2012

Come to Eggettes!

 By: Rachel

Are you feeling hungry and want to find a place to hang out with your friends? Well Eggettes is the place to be! Eggettes provides the best place to hang out with friends and have a snack. Eggettes has a huge variety of different food and drinks. Eggettes's signature dish are the eggettes. Eggettes are these egg waffle and have crunchy edges and soft on the insides. Eggettes is popular in China known as the "street snack." Go try their original eggettes, chocolate, or even one of their special flavors each week! Eggettes serves hot and cold beverages such as tapioca drinks, freezes, tea, and more. In addition, Eggettes sells hot food like soup, curry fish balls, rice rolls, popcorn chicken, and more! Come now, to Eggettes and have a nice snack with your friends and a great place to be.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Millbrae and San Mateo Union High School District Calendar

Recently, there has been a debate about the San Mateo Union High School District and the Millbrae School District's school calendar. In Millbrae, Taylor Middle School and other elementary schools in Millbrae are part of the Millbrae School District. However, Mills high School is part of the San Mateo Union High School District. The two school districts should communicate and have the same amount of days and vacation days. As a result, this would be more manageable for the families. Mills high school and Taylor middle school both have the same thanksgiving break and spring break. However, the winter break is not the same. On the other hand, Mills high school starts school in early August due to mid- terms and finals. Mills high school starts on August 14th, but Taylor and other elementary schools in Millbrae starts on August 27th. The San Mateo Union High School District wants all the high schools for students to be able to finish their mid-term before winter break, instead of doing it after their winter break. 
Mills high school has a total of 183 school days. Rather, Taylor middle school has a total of 180 school days. There is 175 school days that overlap which is good, but there still is 5 days that don't overlap. Therefore, both districts should communicate and try to have the exact calendar dates. 
For example, a parent might have child that is a 7th grader and attends Taylor Middle School while she has another child that attends Mills high School. They both have different vacation days because the calendar in both districts are not the same. Then, the parent may be wanting to go on a vacation during winter break, but there are only 12 days that overlap. Mills high school has their winter break on December 21st through January 8th while Taylor middle school has their winter break on December 24th through January 4th. This will cause a harder times on the families. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Taylor Students Bring Baggage

Recently at Taylor Middle School, there has been an issue about how much supplies students bring to class because there has been a problem. A majority of teachers at Taylor believe that students having backpacks in the classroom is a problem. However, students at Taylor think that students should be allowed to bring they're backpacks to class.
Many teachers say that students should only bring materials for two periods at a time. The result of students having their backpacks in class can cause tripping hazards, having early disengagement from activity, cause back problems, distractions from class, and more. Some students at Taylor disagree with the idea of no backpacks in class. Teachers say that kids don't need to bring so much supplies since the students have lockers. Most students at Taylor don't agree with the teachers. A 7th grade girl with a backpack said, "I think that students should be able to bring our backpacks to class. I don't that backpacks are a distraction becuase you don't play with it a lot during class. Also, putting your backpack under your table will decrese the percent of people tripping over your backpack, causing injuries. The reason to have a backpack is to be able to put your materials you need for the period. Backpacks were made so you don't need to carry everything around campus. Also, your locker may be too far, so you don't have enough time in passing period to go to your locker and go to your next period. Espicially when you need a bathroom break!"
There has been other schools that has banned school from backpacks and handbags. A Middle/ High School in New York called Lake Placid is banning students from bringing backpacks and handbags to school. They're afraid that students may sneak  illegal and dangerous items onto school grounds. What do you think about the policy?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Taylor Pledges To Stop Bullying

Taylor Pledges To Stop Bullying   

MILLBRAE, California- Taylor Middle School encourages students to pledge to stop bullying. On Monday, October 1, 2012, Taylor students all learned how to not be bystanders, to stop bullying, and help each other. Students at Taylor all have different opinions about bullying and cyberbullying. One student from Taylor said, "I think bullying is mean, offensive, and depressing. Bullying shouldn't be allowed and must be stopped. The victim should tell an adult to stop what is happening." Another student said, " Bullying is bad and it can really hurt someone's feelings." Bullying can be harmful in many ways. It could lead to depression, anxiety, or serious death. Students said, "Bullying is damaging and it could affect the person. The person may commit suicide and do other horrible things that could harm themselves."
Victims and bystanders are a huge part of bullying. One of the students I interviewed at Taylor that was a victim said, "In 3rd grade, I was a victim and I would always be bullied. The bully would make fun of me and I felt scared. I didn't say anything because I was afraid they would hurt me." Being a bystander is being a big part in the situation. A bystander at Taylor said, "I was a bystander in one situation and I watched what the bully did to the victim. The bully was trash talking to the victim. I didn't stand up for the victim because I thought that the bully was going to bully me too. Thankfully, a few minutes later, the bully went away. However, in the future, I plan to make a difference and stop the bullying instead of being a bystander." Instead of being bystanders, they can make a move and  can stop bullies from bullying. Don't stand by, stand up!

By: Rachel

Friday, September 28, 2012

Taylor Middle School Inspires Great Leadership

Taylor Middle School Inspires Great Leadership

Mr. Sullivan (Leadership Teacher)
 MILLBRAE, California- Taylor Middle School in its 74th year is continuing a 20 year tradition of creating great leaders. The leadership program is to train students to become great leaders not only in the school, but also in our community. The program teaches students to design, plan, and advertise school wide events. In addition, the program instructs the students to be responsible, to work together and to build strong friendships with everyone.

The leadership curriculum is for students to support the school, environment, and neighborhood. The program consists of four different committees. They are the public relations, the beautification, the events, and the fundraising. In public relations, the students learn to interact with different people in the community and in the school. The beautification committee makes the school a clean, pleasant, place to learn. The event committee is in charge of planning and designing dances and other events. Lastly, the fundrasing committee raises money for the dances and other school wide activites.
The leadership program is for the community and the students at Taylor. They support the school by holding fundraisers, dances, school lunch activites, and more. Some students from leadership students said, "We help the students in this school by socializing with different students, preparing events, and making the school a cleaner enviornment." The program benefits the community by doing at least 30 hours of community service a year.

The leadership's plans for this year include learning about a great leader, digital media and communication, and working together. They will also complete a study project using collective documents to learn about a good leader in the world. Also, the students will preform 4 different types of speeches. The different speeches are informative, demonstrative, persuasive, and entertaining. In addition, the kids do face to face meetings as well as through emails, edmodo, and other websites. During the meetings, they discuss about the future situations and more.

Students at Taylor chose leadership because they wanted to design, create, and plan school wide activities. They want to help the school to make it a better place by holding fun fundraisers, dances, and lunch time activities. A student from leadership said, "My goal is to make all the students have a lot of spirit for the school." Leadership program trains young students to become a great leader in the future.